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Standard 6: Access to Advice and Support


What is the Standard?

Anyone who has been abused or who has perpetrated abuse should be assisted and supported in seeking help.  Child abuse is distressing and can be difficult to deal with. Church organisations have a duty to ensure advice and support is available. Children in particular need someone to turn to when they  are being abused. Often they do not know where to go for help.

Ways of providing evidence

The following documents can be used to provide evidence that the Standard has been met:

  • copies of information for children about sources of support
  • information (leaflets, information sheets etc) about training, advice and support – for Church
  • personnel, adults outside the Church, and children
  • lists of contacts for specialist advice services
  • copy of outreach programme for those abused and their families.


Standards and Guidance Document (Full)


6.1 Church personnel with special responsibilities for keeping children safe have access to specialist advice, support and information on child protection.

6.2 Contacts are established at a national and/ or local level with the relevant child protection/ welfare agencies and helplines that can provide information, support and assistance to children and Church personnel.

6.3 There is guidance on how to respond to and support a child who is suspected to have  been abused whether that abuse is by someone within the Church or in the community, including family members or peers.

6.4 Information is provided to those who have experienced abuse on how to seek support.

6.5 Appropriate support is provided to those who have perpetrated abuse to help them to face up to the reality of abuse as well as to promote healing in a manner which does not compromise children’s safety.


Safeguarding Children

National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland
New House, Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Co.Kildare
01 505 3124

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