Log training event online
Date(s) - 19/09/2015
10:30 am - 3:00 pm
Glenroyal Hotel
This training is mandatory for those who are currently registered as trainers with the NBSCCCI and will include updated information on the new draft standards as well as a new replacement information session and full day training programme for the training manual.
1. Scroll down until you can see the ‘Person to be Invoiced’ section.
2. Complete this section to provide details of who is to be invoiced for those who will be attending training.
3.Select how many people you are booking for using the ‘Spaces’ button.
4. Complete the fields that appear for each person who is attending the training.
5. Click ‘Send Your Booking’.
6. The National Office will acknowledge the reservation of spaces on the course to the person who is to be invoiced and will request that person to send a cheque (made out to Coimirce) for the total cost of training.
Alternatively you can pay electronically- if you use this method of payment can you please ensure you send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. outlining the amount that you have paid, the name and date of the course you are paying for and the names of the attendees.
If you choose to pay by cheque- when sending the cheque state who the attendee names are and what training date the cheque is for. Send the cheque to:
National Board for Safeguarding Children
New House
St.Patricks College
7. Once a cheque or electronic payment is received the National Office will send an email to the person listed in the ‘person to be invoice’ section acknowledging the cheque and approving the places you have booked.
Bookings are closed for this event.