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Adult Safeguarding

In September 2021, the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference and AMRI (Association of Missionaries and Religious Leaders of Ireland) made a request to the National Board to draft a template adult safeguarding policy and training for the Catholic Church in Ireland. It is our intention to engage with a range of personnel, inside and outside the Church to ensure that a vulnerable adult policy and associated guidance and training meets civil and criminal legislative requirements, best practice standards and is in line with the ethos and canon law of the Church.

To do this a member of the National office team has been appointed to project manage the work. A project plan has been developed with timelines to chart the course of this work which is due to be completed by September 2022. The plan has been sent to the Board for approval and covers all aspects of the project including:


• Communication

• Literature Review

• Consultation with key stakeholders inside and outside the Church

• Establishment of key steering groups to assist with the development of the policy and training throughout the year

• Drafting and sign off process

Our hope is to involve as many people in this process as it develops, please check back here for updates on the project as it progresses throughout the year.

How Can I get Involved?

If you would like to help with the project or feel you have resources or expertise to share we would love to here from you. Please complete the form below and we will be in touch

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Safeguarding Children

National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland
New House, Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Co.Kildare
01 505 3124

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