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Listening Meeting for Female Religious (Alternative Date)

Event Date 30-06-2022 14:00
Event End Date 30-06-2022 16:00
Individual Price FREE

Online via Zoom

We would like to invite you to meet with us to consider how the Church’s safeguarding policies can better reflect ministries engaged in by female religious.

We want to learn about your specific ministries with children and adults and to invite you to access the views of other female religious so that the Church’s safeguarding policy, guidance and practices can better reflect the ministries of female religious.

In anticipation of the discussion we would like you to consider the following issues

  • The current child safeguarding policy references clerics and religious, is this sufficient or what language could you suggest as an alternative?
  • What ways could the Church’s policies on safeguarding children and safeguarding adults be more reflective of ministries in female Orders?
  • Do you have specific suggestions for improvements to language and activities which are more reflective of your ministries?
  • In recognition of the decreasing children’s ministry engaged in by female orders we have begun to exempt those Orders from conducting annual self-audits, however there are still some safeguarding requirements that these orders will be required to do. Do you think this is the correct approach?
  • Can you advise us if there are issues that relate to adult safeguarding that are specific to female orders?

Please come and join us so that together, we can ensure  the revised children’s policy and the template adult safeguarding policy is more reflective of your ministry.


To book your place:

Click here for additional instructions on how to book places for this event

1. Press the 'Register Now' button below.

2. Enter the number of people you want to book to attend this event by entering a number in the 'Registrants' box.

3. Press 'Next'

4. Complete the fields that appear for each person who is attending the training.

5. Press 'Next'.

6. Complete the details of the person to be invoiced for the event using the fields that appear.

7. Press 'Process Registration'.

8. The National Office will acknowledge the reservation of spaces on the course to each of the attendees and the person who is to be invoiced and if theres is a fee will request the person to be invoiced to send a cheque (made out to Coimirce, and including the Transaction ID from the booking email) for the total cost of training to 

National Board for Safeguarding Children

New House
St.Patricks College

Alternatively you can payment can be made through electronic transfer by using the details below:

Name of Account - Coimirce Ltd
Address of bank – AIB Dame Street
Sort Code – 93-20-86
Account No.- 28797059
IBAN- IE 57AIBK93208628797059
If you choose to pay electronically can you please ensure you send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. confirming you have paid electronically (rather than by cheque). In addition, please insert the transaction ID from the email above as the reference on the bank transfer. This will help us to match up your payment.

9. If there is a fee, once the payment is received the National Board will send an email to the person to be invoiced, acknowledging the payment and approving the booked places.

Event Properties


Safeguarding Children

National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland
New House, Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Co.Kildare
01 505 3124

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