Contact details for Gardai, PSNI, Tusla and local Health and Social Care Trusts can be accessed here.
Additional Help and Support
Gardai Dedicated Helpline for Victims of Sexual Abuse
The Gardai offer a freephone confidential line with trained staff who are experts in supporting people who are reporting abuse. The line is open 24 hours, 365 days of the year. The number to call is 1800555222
Towards Healing
Towards Healing is a free, confidential helpline and counselling referral service, which is a Catholic Church response to abuse by clergy and religious.
Freephone 1800 303416
Tuesday to Friday 10am to 4pm..
Website: Home - Towards Healing
Towards Peace
Spiritual support for survivors of abuse by Catholic Church personnel in Ireland
Ms. Una Allen, Coordinator
Phone: + 353 (0) 1 5053028
Mobile: + 353 (0) 86 7710533
The service is available on Monday and Tuesday from 9am – 4pm and on Wednesday from 9am -12 noon.
Connect is a telephone counselling and support service for any adult who has experienced abuse, trauma or neglect in childhood. The service is also available to partners or relatives of people with these experiences.Connect is an out of hours service available Wednesday to Sunday 6–10pm. Free and Confidential. To speak to a counsellor call: ROI: 1800 477 477 / UK/NI: 00800 477 477 77 Find out more at
The HSE National Counselling Service (NCS) is for adults who were abused in childhood and was established in September 2000 in response to the recognition that a large number of adults had been abused as children while in care in State institutions in Ireland. The NCS offers confidential face to face counselling, free of charge, to adults who experienced physical, emotional, sexual abuse or neglect during childhood. Counselling is available at 60 locations throughout Ireland.
HSE Website details of 10 Freephones available in each of their locations nationwide