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NCMRG evaluation after initial pilot year


he NCMRG was established in the beginning of 2012 (on a pilot basis of 1 year) to ensure consistently high quality advice being available to key decision makers in the Church, when they are called upon to respond to safeguarding cases.

The advice focuses on the management of the investigation and assessment processes and may comment on the “fitness for ministry” of a respondent.

The panel is staffed by experienced people drawn from the areas of professional practice most relevant to the task.

It was agreed that this initiative would be evaluated after one year- see notification letter.


Notification Letter


Click on link to down load  Evaluation_Notification

2nd October 2012

Dear Colleague,

As you are aware, in February 2012 we held our first meeting of the National Case Management Reference Group (NCMRG). It was agreed that this initiative would be run on a pilot basis of 12 months, with a review to establish if there was a need to extend the group after the pilot stage.

As part of the review, NBSCCCI have asked Eoin O’Mahony, researcher with the Episcopal Conference to carry out an evaluation and prepare a report on his findings, which will be considered by the Board in January 2013. Eoin has already started work on his evaluation and has attended a NCMRG meeting, met members and has arranged to interview a selection of Dioceses and Religious Congregations who have presented cases to the Group. Given the sensitive nature of the cases presented, Eoin has signed a confidentiality agreement.

The next part of the process is for Eoin to distribute a short confidential questionnaire for completion, seeking the views of all those who have joined the initiative since February, 2012. I appreciate that you are all busy people, but in order to assess the value of the NBSCCCI, I would like your co-operation with completing this questionnaire. I also understand that some of you may not have as yet presented a case to the NCMRG, in this instance only a few of the questions will apply.

The survey questionnaire will be forwarded to you by Eoin no later than October 22nd.

Thank you, in anticipation of your support during this important assessment of the NCMRG.

Yours sincerely,

Teresa Devlin

Director of Safeguarding



Safeguarding Children

National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland
New House, Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Co.Kildare
01 505 3124

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