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Engaging with survivors during the Review process




Protocol for engaging with survivors during Review process


The review of safeguarding practice involves discussions with key safeguarding personnel and a review of case papers and other relevant documentation held by the Diocese/Religious Congregation.

In addition NBSCCCI seek the views of the civil authorities – An Garda Síochána/PSNI and HSE/HSC, to ensure that notifications of all allegations have been made and that working relationships exist which promote the welfare of children.

Given the increasing interest of survivors of abuse and criticisms that their voices are not heard during the review process, NBSCCCI recommend that the following arrangements are put in place in anticipation of a review being conducted and as a consequence of any information being received from survivors of abuse:

It is recommended that the Diocese/Congregation under review should place a notice on their website, in their newsletters and other appropriate communication channels, stating that the NBSCCCI are undertaking a review of safeguarding practice. The wording in the notice should invite any survivors who have not yet come forward to do so either to the designated person of the Diocese/Congregation or to theGarda Síochána /PSNI HSC/HSE. It should also state clearly on this notice that any new allegation of abuse should be made directly to the Statutory Authorities.

The wording of the notice should also reference the following:

  • If the survivors contacts NBSCCCI the Diocese/Order will be advised in writing of this contact.
  • If the survivor is making a new allegation NBSCCCI will inform the civil authorities and the Diocese/Order in writing and will ensure that counseling through Towards Healing is offered.
  • An “internal” instruction will be given to all “reviewers” on this as complying with best practice and the requirement that a detailed contemporaneous note of any conversations is made.
  • The Review report will reference that survivors did contact NBSCCCI and an overview of their comments will be inserted into the report. No identifying information will be given in the report.
  • A detailed report of the comments will be given in a separate document to the Diocese/Congregation.



Safeguarding Children

National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland
New House, Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Co.Kildare
01 505 3124

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